Rights Respecting
At Ad Astra Infant School, we are proud to hold the 'Gold' status for the Rights respecting school award. Most recently, we achieved this status in July 2022.
The Gold Award is the highest accolade given by Unicef UK which shows we have a deep and thorough commitment to children’s rights at all levels of school life. This commitment was evident from our most recent report, which stated,
‘It was evident that children’s rights are embedded across the school, building from Reception through to Y2 to create an ethos based on rights and respect.’
At Ad Astra Infant School, we ensure that children are confident in knowing their rights, which are written in the form of 42 articles (published by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child).
At the start of each school year, the children think about what will make their classroom a happy place to learn and draw up a charter based on children’s rights. The charters explain what rights the children have and as a joint class decision, we agree on the behaviour we will show in order for all children to access their rights. We also agree on what the adults in our school community should do in order to support these rights.
This was clearly stated in our most recent report, ‘Ad Astra Infant School is part of a group of four schools in the TEACH Alliance Trust. Across the Trust there is a commitment for all children to have the same access to quality education and to know about their rights.’ It was also noted that the ‘children could confidently describe how school and teachers (as duty bearers) help them enjoy their rights. For example, one child clearly explained what “quality education” looked like, describing how they “learnt new things but also went back over work.’
This is our whole school interactive display where we can choose which right to talk about in class each week:
Throughout the year, the children have class assemblies linked to Rights Respecting Schools whereby they learn in depth about certain articles. They have the opportunity to express their views freely (Article 13) and to be given reliable information (Article 17).
Here are some examples of some work that children have created based on learning about, through and for rights: