Friends of Ad Astra
The 'Friends of Ad Astra' are a group of parents, staff and carers helping to raise money for the school. All the money raised from events is spent on activities for the children or facilities to enhance the children's enjoyment at school
New members are always welcome. You are not committing to anything by attending a meeting. We know how busy everyone is so any help, however small, is always gratefully received.
If you don't want to attend the meetings, but feel that you might like to help at any of the forthcoming events, please leave your name and telephone number at the office and one of the 'friends' will contact you.
Thank you for all your support.
Where has the money raised been spent?
- Funded play train in EY playground
- Funded new outdoor furniture for the Y1 and 2 playgrounds
- Contributed to new playground equipment
- Contributed to new Sparkle Time resources
- All children receive a gift from Father Christmas
- Funded the leavers' presents for all Year 2 children